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Originally I was going to sell t-shirts to raise funds for Sonoma, Santa Rosa and Napa Fire Recovery efforts, but have decided to let the fundraising be done by others. I can print any of these designs at cost so that you or an organization can use sell or promote fundraising directly.

This section is dedicated to a fund raising effort to help some under-insured and uninsured people effected by the fire get some help clearing and cleaning their property to start the rebuild effort in their communities. A larger portion of the proceeds will go to fund pressure washing and debris clearing at requested areas. The funding will help buy a gas powered pressure washer, a light trailer for trash removal and some assorted shovels and clearing tools. This is an independent effort and should not be confused with more official efforts that are organized by the Red Cross and Sonoma and Napa County officials. Click on the county shown below to donate by purchasing a Rebuild T-shirt. The shirts are priced at $15/ea and $10 from each shirt will go to the clean and rebuild effort as outlined above.

Help Santa Rosa Rebuild T-shirts - Fire Rebuild Fundraising Tee Shirt
Help Santa Rosa Rebuild T-shirts - Fire Rebuild Fundraising Tee Shirt

sonomatshirtfirerebuild$5.00Choose:  Quantity:
Rebuild SoCo - Sonoma County Fire Disaster Fund Raising T-shirt
Rebuild SoCo - Sonoma County Fire Disaster Fund Raising T-shirt

rebuildsoco$5.00Choose:  Quantity:
Rebuild Napa County Fire Disaster Fund Raising T-shirt
Rebuild Napa County Fire Disaster Fund Raising T-shirt

rebuildnapa$5.00Choose:  Quantity:
Rebuild Sonoma  Fire Donation T-shirt
Rebuild Sonoma Fire Donation T-shirt

rebuildsonoma$5.00Choose:  Quantity:

Wholesale prices available at $10/ea (not including shipping) minimum order $300 of assorted t-shirts. contact via text: 702-544-1048. - Clickable Map for local Los Angeles t-shirts. Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved.