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The day the fashion died. I witnessed the most significant martyrdom in fashion history today, November 6th, in Beverly Hills California. The verdicts of guilty were released against Winona Ryder for vandalism and theft. This celebrity victimization elevates Winona in the world of fashion to the level of Mary Magdalene. The judicial system feels vindicated for persecuting this celebrity as stated in this press release,
"The jury trial verdicts indicate that in Los Angeles County justice is blind regardless of the status of the accused."
I say they are blind to the reality that the system is unfair regardless of this conviction and that creating a scapegoat for errors past will not give them penance for the wrongs they have inflicted onto the fashion world. This case has been PR from the start which is a fashion crime in and of itself and besides a boycott of Saks and the creation of a martyr for the otherwise faceless world of names, I offer you this statement: “She who has not committed a fashion crime cast the first sound bite”.
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