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New York City! What can you say? Makes its own gravy when it rains.
Although the metropolitan region is just the fifth largest city in the
world (pop. 17 million), New York is the brain of the planet, for
or for worse. It's all here: the world's finance center, the Statue of
Liberty, the epicenter of the art world, and Papaya King hot dogs for
only $1.76 until 2 a.m. Don't limit your stay to Manhattan, New York
five boroughs full of interesting destinations. In the Bronx, to the
Belmont neighborhood. This is the "real" Little Italy for
Italian-American New Yorkers, centered at Arthur Avenue and East 187th
Street. You'll find dozens of restaurants, bakeries and cheese shops
filled with huge torpedo-like provolone hanging from the ceiling. In
Queens, go out for deep-fried chicken lollipops - an Indian-Chinese
specialty - at Tangra Masala at 87-09 Grand Avenue in the Elmhurst
neighborhood. You've probably heard of hipster heaven, Brooklyn's
Williamsburg neighborhood. Be really ironic and avoid it. Walk around
quiet Brooklyn Heights instead. One thing not to avoid, however, is a
trip to the Reading Room of the New York Public Library, on Fifth
between 40th and 42nd streets, where you will see real live
authors doing research and writing books. Remember to whisper. Right
next to the library is Bryant Park, with movies screenings in the
and ice skating in the summer.
Wholesale prices available at $10/ea (not including shipping) minimum order $300 of assorted t-shirts. contact via text: 702-544-1048.
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