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World Stock Markets: What Have You Done For Me Lately?Is this just a reality correction? I think so. It doesn't make much sense that the stock market was screaming profit, profit, profit while the world citizenship dug itself deeper into economic slavery. Corporations may as well be considered a virtual manifestation of our times. Let's just hope this is just a correction and not a leading indicator of the pain to come.
Recession ending, I don't think so. The stock market may be an indicator of future economic activity, but I am a sceptic in the worse sense. Bullshit. The stock market advance is somehow the barometer of the movement of money into and out of an economy. The US economy is in desperate shape for the citizens, but the stock market is all giddy with growth and talk of recovery. If jobs are a contact high then we would all be making money right now, but they aren't. The stock market must be put into perspective with the global reality and the United States is like Switzerland, we are still a safe bet for the world and as a result money is taking refuge here. The stock market is growing despite the fact that the workers in this country are not employed, the cost of living is out of whack and shit is being piled on top of shit in regards to the recovery. A truly desperate situation is occuring and the stock market is not a reflection of reality, but of some worldwide corporate bernouli principle that is hopeful that we have found a bottom. I don't want to be a bottom dweller, but I don't have a choice. However, I don't want to support delusions of false hope and that is what the stock market represents. Don't believe the hype and buy this t-shirt to represent the truth with your banker friends. They'll thank you for it later.
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